Tulsa Film Festival

I am very happy to announce that INCUBATOR has been accepted to its first film festival: The Tulsa International Film Festival.  I can't wait to head down to Oklahoma this September to check it out.  What's really exciting is the Tulsa Film Festival is host to a "Nightmare Division" which is strictly for horror and genre films.  Should be a real blast.  Be sure to read all about it at www.oklahomahorrorfilmfest.com.

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who came to our screening of INCUBATOR tonight.  It was so much fun to be able to show this film to all of our friends and family and be able to talk with most of you.  I also want to thank Jon Stevenson, John Schmidt, and Tara Hunter for helping put this whole thing together and for making some awesome films to watch.

If you're visiting this site for the first time, please take a look around.  You can find all of our past movies in the FILMS section and starting tomorrow at 6:00pm, you can read the first chapter of EAT (a short story) in the PULP section.

If you weren't able to get a copy of INCUBATOR at the screening, please send me an email in the CONTACT section.

Once again, thank you for coming tonight.  We hope to see you around on this site and at another showing real soon!


 I'm extremely excited to announce our newest project: PRETTY PEOPLE PULP.  An official description is listed below:

PRETTY PEOPLE PULP is a collection demented short stories written by Jimmy Weber.  Each story will be released one chapter a week until the story is finished.  The stories are horrific, spooky, mysterious and, of course, disturbing.

The first edition of PRETTY PEOPLE PULP is EAT.  EAT is the tale of a failed actress who developes a very troubling eating disorder.  This nine chapter short story will leave you sick to your stomach each week yet hungry for more.

One thing that is very important to me is to have each story completely finished before they are posted.  I hate it when web series say they will be weekly, but it's more like "whenever the creators can get to it."  So don't you worry!  A new chapter will be posted every Friday at 6:00pm.  No if's, and's, or but's about it.

EAT is one of the best stories I have written.  It's really gross and disturbing and something I would want to read.  But more importantly, the main character is someone I really like and feel for.

We're gonna be sending INCUBATOR to a number of film festivals for the next year or so and I'm also busy writing the feature, so there probably won't be a lot of new video content added to the site.  So to keep feeding you guys content, I figured PRETTY PEOPLE PULP would be the perfect solution.  You can check it out at the link in the top menu bar or by visiting PrettyPeoplePictures.com/Pulp.  So queue up your RSS readers and Instapaper and check back here every Friday at 6:00pm for your weekly dose of horror.

Special Screening of INCUBATOR

Hey everyone!

Huge news!  Our new short, INCUBATOR, is now finished and ready to be sent out to festivals.  But before we say goodbye to it for a year or so, we wanted to give you a special opportunity to see it.  On Thursday, March 31st at 8pm you can see it at Starz Film Center on the Auraria Campus in Denver, CO.  This is a special/private screening, but it's FREE and you're welcome to come.  Concessions will be open and parking will be validated if you park in the lot next to the theatre.

But not only do you get to see our film, you get to see a couple other shorts by our buddies who also worked on INCUBATOR.  Chapter 10 Films will be screening the trailer for their feature LOCK THE DOOR and Tara Hunter will be screening her short film BETHLEHEM ROAD.  Both of these are totally awesome and I'm really excited to share the screen with them.

So come on by.  If there's any more information, I will post it here.  But otherwise, I'll see you on March 31st!

And if you want to get a little extra pumped, check out the trailer below!