4 Years Old!
Four years ago I started a production company with Annie Baker and we had a simple goal: Make genre films that are fun to watch. I also didn't want there to be any stress. We were going to have fun making these movies with our friends and make some new friends while we were at it. Four years later, I couldn't be happier with what Annie and I have created. Our goal is still in tact and because of it, we've had a lot of fun and couldn't be more proud.
It's hard to believe it's already been four years, but in that time I think we've remained pretty busy. We've produced nine short films. We've been accpeted to six international films festivals (and counting) and we've been nominated for ten awards and won two of them. I'd say that's a pretty good start.
But that's all it has been - the start. I've recently finished writing our first feature screenplay and we're looking forward to the journey of making a feature film. It's a long, dark, road ahead of us but we're not worried. We're going to have a lot of fun and make some new friends. That's always been our goal and it always will be.
Thank you for supporting us these past four years. We've had such a great time and I hope you have to.
You ain't seen nothin' yet.