Podcast Alert

Hey folks!  I just wanted to let you know I'm going to be on the West X Midwest podcast Monday 8/26.  That's next Monday!  I'm going to be talking about EAT and some really cool INCUBATOR news I have yet to post on this here website.  For all the information on how you can listen to it live as well as on your iPod/iPhone long after its been recorded, check out the West X Midwest Facebook Page.  I'm pretty stoked.  I've listened to about 2,700 hours of podcasts the past few months in post-production on EAT, so it's time to pay it forward.

Sorry for the lack of updates.  Just so you know, EAT is almost done.  Things are looking amazing and we are VERY excited.  As I always say, the fewer the updates on this website, the more we're working.  So check out the podcast because I'm sure I'll reveal a bunch of information I probably shouldn't.