EAT is available NOW!
/Hey folks!
In case you didn’t know, our first feature film EAT is available to rent/buy in the US right now! That’s right! You can grab EAT on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, XBox Video and Vudu. This is obviously a big deal for us, so be sure to grab a copy while it’s hot. And if you play your cards right, you can win some free swag!
After you watch EAT and love it, be sure to Tweet/Instagram/Facebook about it on all of your social networks using the hashtag #EatTheMovie. This is going to be a “word of mouth” type release so we need your help spreading that word. This week and next, we’ll be scanning the internet and finding the best #EatTheMovie tweets/photos/posts. Winners and prizes will be announced on this site and Bring the noise, people!
A lot of you have been asking about DVDs/Blu-Rays, Netflix and Redbox. That stuff is still being worked out and there are no answers yet. But once we know what’s going on, we’ll let you know.
Regarding Piracy: I think most people understand pirating movies hurts independent filmmakers so I won’t repeat the same argument you’ve heard a million times before. But I can tell you we financed EAT completely out-of-pocket. Annie and I are back to our day jobs and writing movies on the weekend. We’re not sitting on a beach and fielding phone calls or anything like that. We’re just two filmmakers who make horror movies in their apartment. We understand the reasons why people pirate movies. We simply ask you support us and our work :)
This has been a very long road and the destination is finally here. We couldn’t have done this without all of your support. And we thank you from the bottom of our black hearts xoxo