#EatTheMovie Giveaway!
/A week ago we mentioned a social media giveaway and now it’s time to get to it! We have a ton of super cool prizes that we can’t wait to get rid of so we might as well start this weekend. That’s right, this weekend we’re giving away our first prizes! Here’s how you win shit...
Rent/Buy EAT from iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, XBox Video or Vudu.
Think of something creative to post on your social network of choice. Maybe it’s an Instagram photo of EAT playing on your TV, some gory fan art for Tumblr, or even a Vine video of you eating your own foot. Go nuts!
Post that on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Vine and/or Tumblr. Just make sure you hashtag #EatTheMovie.
We’ll scour the internet and find our favorites. We’ll match them with the best prize packs and announce winners on PrettyPeoplePictures.com, EatTheMovie.com, Facebook.com/prettypeoplepictures and on Twitter @PrettyPeoplePix and @EatTheMovie.
How easy is that? It’s the weekend and you’ve been waiting to watch EAT all week. Now it’s time to do it and do something fun while you’re at it.
Prizes include autographed screenplays, shirts, Blu-Ray screeners, digital downloads, music...all kinds of cool crap. So start thinking of something fun and post it online and put the hashtag #EatTheMovie in your post.
For a detailed list of all the prizes and more info, click on the button below.