Pretty People 3.0
/After four years, we have completely rebuilt our website to officially birth 3.0. I’m very excited about this site because it offers features I’ve been waiting for. It’s much easier to update and clean so keeping it in top shape for you guys will be easier. The pages are bigger to allow for more content yet maintain a clean design. And there’s a ton of “backend” features that will allow us to do some cool shit coming up (like...this week).
Take a look around. Like all new websites, there is still some work to be done. If you’re new to the site and want to get caught up, I still have to reimport our old News Updates. So give me a little bit on that. But otherwise, it should be in good shape. Let me know if you see any errors.
But, let’s all take a second and pour a 40 for PrettyPeople 2.0. It was a great site that lasted us through four of our best years. R.I.P. you old bastard.
Anyway, like I said, we have some cool shit coming up so keep this URL handy :)