#EatTheMovie Giveaway!


A week ago we mentioned a social media giveaway and now it’s time to get to it!  We have a ton of super cool prizes that we can’t wait to get rid of so we might as well start this weekend.  That’s right, this weekend we’re giving away our first prizes!  Here’s how you win shit...

  1. Rent/Buy EAT from iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, XBox Video or Vudu.

  2. Think of something creative to post on your social network of choice.  Maybe it’s an Instagram photo of EAT playing on your TV, some gory fan art for Tumblr, or even a Vine video of you eating your own foot.  Go nuts!

  3. Post that on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Vine and/or Tumblr.  Just make sure you hashtag #EatTheMovie.

  4. We’ll scour the internet and find our favorites.  We’ll match them with the best prize packs and announce winners on PrettyPeoplePictures.com, EatTheMovie.com, Facebook.com/prettypeoplepictures and on Twitter @PrettyPeoplePix and @EatTheMovie.

How easy is that?  It’s the weekend and you’ve been waiting to watch EAT all week.  Now it’s time to do it and do something fun while you’re at it.  

Prizes include autographed screenplays, shirts, Blu-Ray screeners, digital downloads, music...all kinds of cool crap.  So start thinking of something fun and post it online and put the hashtag #EatTheMovie in your post.

For a detailed list of all the prizes and more info, click on the button below.

Pretty People 3.0


After four years, we have completely rebuilt our website to officially birth PrettyPeoplePictures.com 3.0.  I’m very excited about this site because it offers features I’ve been waiting for.  It’s much easier to update and clean so keeping it in top shape for you guys will be easier.  The pages are bigger to allow for more content yet maintain a clean design.  And there’s a ton of “backend” features that will allow us to do some cool shit coming up (like...this week).

Take a look around.  Like all new websites, there is still some work to be done.  If you’re new to the site and want to get caught up, I still have to reimport our old News Updates.  So give me a little bit on that.  But otherwise, it should be in good shape.  Let me know if you see any errors.

But, let’s all take a second and pour a 40 for PrettyPeople 2.0.  It was a great site that lasted us through four of our best years.  R.I.P. you old bastard.

Anyway, like I said, we have some cool shit coming up so keep this URL handy :)

A Night of Horror

More good news!

EAT has been officially selected to A Night of Horror and Fantastic Planet Horror, Sci-Fi & Fantasy Film Festival in Sydney, Australia.  Woo wee that’s a mouthful but, boy howdy, we’re super excited!  We’ve had some shorts play at this festival before back when it was just A Night of Horror, so it’s fun to be back in the Outback.  EAT plays next Wednesday if you’re down there and want to check it out.

To learn more about the festival and check out the program, go here.

EAT is available NOW!

Hey folks!

In case you didn’t know, our first feature film EAT is available to rent/buy in the US right now!  That’s right!  You can grab EAT on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, XBox Video and Vudu.  This is obviously a big deal for us, so be sure to grab a copy while it’s hot.  And if you play your cards right, you can win some free swag!  

After you watch EAT and love it, be sure to Tweet/Instagram/Facebook about it on all of your social networks using the hashtag #EatTheMovie.  This is going to be a “word of mouth” type release so we need your help spreading that word.  This week and next, we’ll be scanning the internet and finding the best #EatTheMovie tweets/photos/posts.  Winners and prizes will be announced on this site and EatTheMovie.com.  Bring the noise, people!

A lot of you have been asking about DVDs/Blu-Rays, Netflix and Redbox.  That stuff is still being worked out and there are no answers yet.  But once we know what’s going on, we’ll let you know.

Regarding Piracy:  I think most people understand pirating movies hurts independent filmmakers so I won’t repeat the same argument you’ve heard a million times before.  But I can tell you we financed EAT completely out-of-pocket.  Annie and I are back to our day jobs and writing movies on the weekend.  We’re not sitting on a beach and fielding phone calls or anything like that.  We’re just two filmmakers who make horror movies in their apartment.  We understand the reasons why people pirate movies.  We simply ask you support us and our work :)  

This has been a very long road and the destination is finally here.  We couldn’t have done this without all of your support.  And we thank you from the bottom of our black hearts xoxo


EAT with friends!

EAT may be our first film, but even I know it's not often your movie and your buddies movie are released at the same time.  Double Edge Films are Pretty People's older siblings.  They've shown us the ropes and helped us through numerous hurdles throughout EAT.  I was also fortunate enough to work on some of the visual effects for The Frame.  That movie is a mind bender and I can't recommend it enough.  And like us, Double Edge makes their movies independently and in their basement just like Annie and I do.  So please, check out The Frame when it's released on 11/21 just three days after EAT.